Although the weathers heating up its not exactly leave your jacket at home kind of weather and I find spring is generally the best times to buy winter things like jumpers & coats, as they are always cheapest coming up to summer. If you go shopping in london often then you definitely know Uniqlo, mostly popular in the asian countries but have grown massively in recent years. Generally known for their lightweight clothes and rainbow like colours. Sounds like a great company, it is, I bought a jumper from them 4 years ago and still wear it often these days and hasn’t lost it’s colour or shape, unlike my Zara jumper I bought for double the price two months ago.

Wearing jumpers is a fantastic way to look dapper and add a layer onto your outfit. They can be worn under your suit or over a t shirt with some dark jeans, great for smart & smart/casual outfits. This Uniqlo jumper is actually fantastic, made from 100% fine merino wool, which may not sound that nice as the wool we think of is the itchy one people wear on TV. This wool is really fine, compact and really thin making it feel exactly like a cotton jumper except when you stretch the fabric it will bounce back into shape unlike cotton ones which just stay stretched out. The jumper feels soft inside and out so feel free to give your belly a rub after lunch.
The V-neck neckline allows you to wear this over a shirt with a tie on without the jumper covering your beautiful windsor knot you spent 5 minutes getting perfect in the morning.
Priced at £24.90, ranging in sizes from XS to XXL and in every colour under the rainbow, you really can not fault this wonderful jumper. I would definitely recommend grabbing a few while you’re at it.
Uniqlo Extra Fine Merino V-Neck Sweater