No Sock Look? How Long Should Socks Be? Socks Bunched Around Ankles? Let’s touch on some important points here and some not so important points. Here’s everything relating to socks.
1. Should I Try The No Sock Look?
Some could also ask should you wear socks at all, the simple answer is, if you’re employed – yes. The no sock look is great for walking around on holiday or relaxing in a park somewhere but at work, socks are an absolute must. If you insist on the no sock look then give your colleagues their right to odourless air by wearing invisible socks.
Quality is important in every aspect of your wardrobe, from your suit to your shoes. It’s a widely accepted assumption that the more expensive the item, the better the “quality”. Since more expensive materials were used then the item must be better for the user. This may be the case in general but just because your socks cost the price of most peoples shoes doesn’t mean they are actually good quality.
Many socks lose their tightness (elasticity), thus resulting in the sock rolling down your leg and bunching up around your ankles. The sock can also bunch up in your shoe which can easily make you uncomfortable when walking. I’ve found this most commonly in cheap cotton socks but it still definitely happens with the expensive branded socks that are made cheaply.
This can be easily resolved by getting a pair of socks that are a blend of cotton and lycra. It will cost you slightly more in the short term but you will end up buying less pairs of socks thus resulting in everything balancing out.
3. How Long Should Socks Be?
Now onto the discussion of how long your socks should be. If you are going to take anything from this then let it be the following. Keep all the hair on your legs hidden at all times. When you sit, your trousers will raise and your sock should at all times prevent your lovely hair legs from being on show.
The issue of white socks is well established so I’ll mention it briefly, if you’re an Michael Jackson fan and couldn’t care less what some humans think about you, then go for it.
Regardless to how beautiful your legs are, they are not appropriate for the work place. Save them for the beach when you can really turn some heads.
Also bear in mind, none of these rules really mean anything, enjoy yourself and have fun with your socks. Trial and error is the way forward my friend.
This outfit is composed of a casual double breasted blazer with wide lapels and a black and white checked shirt. This is combined with smart slim-fit tracksuit bottoms, casual Chelsea boots/trainers and a watch that really stands out. It’s perfectly fine to wear a bold watch with a muted outfit. In case you didn’t know already, this Monaco based Instagram great is Tom Claeren, with one hundred and fifty-four thousand followers, he’s definitely among the most popular men’s fashion bloggers.
The blazer is made of a thick warm material perfect for cold spring mornings and evenings with deep spacious pockets. The trousers, although slim fitted, are not restricting and allow for a smart comfortable look without looking too dressed down. The shoes are a cross between Chelsea boots and trainers, once again allowing for a smart look without looking too casual. The watch is a nice finishing touch and makes the outfit complete by drawing the eyes to an otherwise simple everyday outfit you could wear it if you have a relaxed dress code for work, a day out shopping, a work event or even a casual night out with your other half.
Have a go at this outfit and you will look smart enough for most occasions but casual enough to to jump around on a park bench with some friends.
Where To Get The Look
Zara Navy Blue Double Breasted Wool Crossover Blazer – £99.99
I’ve had a lot of people ask me for help with landing a job and I find myself pretty much saying the same few tips every time. These tips aren’t in any order and they haven’t been verified by some top CEO or anything so don’t hold me accountable, this is just what has always worked for me and actually worked well for a few others as well. Here are my best interview tips, enjoy;
Interview Tips #1 – CV
My number one interview tip is don’t stress over your CV, I have handed in my CV from when I was 16 with no experience to an employer while I was 21. This CV was crap and outdated but when they called me I was in complete control of the conversation and I got the job, which I then turned down (I know right.)
To be blunt, no one really cares what’s on your CV, 99% of the time the employer just wants to ask you questions based on your CV so they can get you talking and see what you’re really like.
Interview Tips #2 – Recommendation/Referral
If your friend has the job you want, or works in the company you would love to work for – ask for a recommendation. You might get one or two interview from fifty applications but you’ll get one interview from one referral.
It’s a no-brainer really, obviously I get that you might not know that many people but with social media nowadays, you can easily get to know someone in any company anywhere in the world. LinkedIn is the obvious one but still not many people use it, search for the company you want to work for and invite some of the people to connect with you, send them a message, get the conversation going online and before you know it you’ll be sitting down with a manager being interviewed. Don’t forget, you can even do this on Facebook/Twitter.
[Photo Credit:]
Interview Tips #3 – Know Who Will Be Interviewing You
This might seem a little weird but trust me it helps so much. Usually you will have a phone conversation with someone in the company before you have an interview. When on the phone, make sure you ask who it will be that will be interviewing you. If they ask why, just say it’s because you want to remember their name so you don’t forget it during the interview or any other silly excuse to get them to tell you. Once you have their name, Google them, have a look at them, see what their position is etc. Many times when I’ve asked who will be interviewing me, they just tell me everything I need to know; “Oh it’s James Allard who will be interviewing you, he’s the managing director of the company, he likes to meet all new people himself.”
Interview Tips #4 – Don’t Outshine The Person Interviewing You
Knowing what position they are will tell you how they will dress, if you find out the one interviewing you is “one of the trainers” chances are they aren’t going to be dressed that well so don’t go in your best suit and keep the colorful socks at home. If you hear it’s the Managing Director interviewing you, look sharp and on point – just minus the Rolex.
The moment you outshine the person interviewing you, the interview is in your control and they feel nervous. They’ll start to feel like you are a threat to them and chances are they will end up trying to find whatever excuse they can to not hire you. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen many times.
Interview Tips #5 – Do Your Research On The Company
What ever you do, don’t ask them to explain their company. Whoever’s interviewing will love talking about their company but they’ll hate having to explain it to you. Go on Google and write down some interesting things you have seen online about their company. Ask them about it and you’ll be in their good books. You can find out everything you need to know about the company online. The more you know, the more you can talk about their company, it will impress the interviewer and show them that you are actually really keen to get the role as opposed to someone who just wants a job.
Interview Tips #6 – Hand Shake
When you meet the person interviewing you, give them a strong firm handshake. It does not really matter if you are nervous or not, just jump up out of your seat and shake their hand with the biggest smile you can. I love handshaking people, especially if I can initiate the hand shake. If you initiate the hand shake and then do a stronger/firmer hand shake that the person interviewing you, you have now just completely asserted your dominance over that person.
Interview Tips #7 – Sit Up & Respond
Don’t slouch, I have literally not hired over 50 people simply because they slouched during their interview . Just don’t do it. Sit up straight and acknowledge what the person is saying, and if they pause for a second, speak! The more you can speak the better. When I’m being interviewed, I talk more than the person interviewing me. It shows confidence & interest. Ask as many informed questions as you can and make sure whenever they say a statement that they think is interesting for example; “After many years of struggling we finally became number 1 in the UK”, I’d respond with; “Wow, is that in the whole industry?”
[Photo Credit:]
Interview Tips #8 – Never Ask…
1. How Long Will This Take? – Shows you have something more important to do. 2. What Does Your Company Do? – Tells the employer that you aren’t bothered to go and research. 3. When Can I Take My Holidays? – Shows you are more interested in taking time off. 4. Did I get the job? – Puts the interviewer on the spot and makes you look impatient. 5. How Did I Do? – Shows a complete lack of confidence. 6. What is the salary for this position? – Wait until you have the job before discussing how much pay you are going to get. 7. How long would I have to wait to get promoted? – Shows you don’t care about the current job role.
Make sure when the interviewer says to you, ‘Do you have any questions for me?’ – ask something! Make sure you obviously steer clear from the above questions but probably worse than all of those questions is to not ask anything at all. I’ve seen candidates stand up before the interviews even over, it makes the interviewer feel like you are not really that interested and either don’t want the job or just want any job.
I always ask about if I’m the top performing employee, what can I earn, and if there any bonuses or trips available for employee of the month. I also always ask what do I have to do to get into the position they are in. One of my favorite subjects to ask about is the training structure and how it works, is it a trial and error based system or a shadowing system. All of these questions show the employer that I’m confident I already have the job and that I’m interested in doing well in the role.
Interview Tips #10 – On Your Way Out
Give them another firm handshake, a smile and say,
Figuring out what colour shirts go with what suit can get a little overwhelming sometimes. I learnt mainly through trial and error. Grey suits are fantastic and are now widely accepted as work appropriate. I remember one of my bosses many years ago advising me not to wear grey, as it was “too informal” – ridiculous.
As I stand outside, with no blazer and the sun beating down on my near bald head, I’m happy to say it’s pretty much spring. With spring comes colour, the time for dressing dull and quiet is leaving us quickly. Grey suits make us men look a lot more friendly and approachable. As with all light colours, grey suits are most appropriate when the sun’s out. This doesn’t mean you can only wear a grey suit in spring and summer, however it’s preferred. Which brings me to the colour shirt we should pair with it.
Quick side note: By “grey suit”, I intend a light grey suit, one that is fashionable and looks great like the above. Not those horrendous dark grey suits some people wear.
The grey suit is almost like the jolly cousin of the firm/strict navy suit. To keep up that joyful look, wear a friendly light colour shirt with the suit. Think of a spring colour palette, all those soft light colours. If you’re thinking, light blue, light purple or pink – you’re on the right track. These shirt colours will keep you looking young, jolly and free.
For many of us we want to be approachable, we want the world to like us and one great pathway for that is through what we wear. Get the right combination of grey suit, pink shirt, loafers & a big smile and everyone will be chatting away with you like they’ve known you for years.
The above statement is generally what most people would say about Burton, it’s also my opinion. It is a good company that sell good clothes at a good price. Once upon a time, 80% of my wardrobe was Burton branded, that’s now declined to 2%. To sum up my Burton review simply, as mentioned, Burton sell good clothes but after awhile good just doesn’t cut it.
I can’t say this is my Burton review without mentioning it’s history. The company has some amazing history, ever heard the phrase, “the full monty”?
Montague Burton founded Burton in 1904. After World War II, Montague Burton was one of the suppliers of suits to the British government. They supplied the jackets, trousers, waistcoats, shirt and underwear. Thus the phrase, “the full monty” was born.
As nice as that is, history is history and nowadays Burton are known as the little brother to Topman. I mean that in the un-cute way. Burton is cheaper than Topman with very similar quality and lightly chubbier. Topman is generally marketed towards skinny fit men while Burton is aimed more generally towards everyone. The issue then falls onto Quality – which both brothers lack unfortunately.
Burton is one of the cheapest options on the high street to buy a suit, usually ranging from £79 to £150. They fit the description of “off the rack” perfectly. Generally all are polyester or a polyblend with wool and usually come out quite thin. Their suits are not designed for an active man who enjoys walking or occasionally messing around. Try jumping onto a bench and it’s very likely you’ll rip the trousers at the crotch.
They have a few collections designed for everyone. I must admit, the difference between them is not much. I myself have owned a suit from every collection, as you can guess the best suits are the most expensive. The difference between the best and worse suits is very minimal.
£79 Machine Washable Suits
Supposedly Burton’s worst suit, this machine washable suit comes as a two piece suit, a jacket & trouser for £79. I’d never recommend machine washing your suits, even if they are machine washable. Out of all their collections, this suit is by far my favourite. All of the £79 suits come in default colours, black, grey & navy with no patterns or designs. They are simple, with very small lapels, usually forcing you into wearing a slim tie. They’re all a mix of polyester and viscose, which will often give them that shiny look to the suit, usually quite visible in the bright sun light. They way I see it, a suit for £79 – you can’t go wrong. Definitely the perfect suit for those starting out and building up their wardrobe.
For an extra £30 you can grab a waistcoat to spice things up, totalling to £109.
Wool Suits
Wool suits from anywhere are pretty much guaranteed to be a good buy. The fabric wool is very reliable and comfortable. All their suits in their wool collection are 100% Italian wool. The quality is impressive, it feels good and looks better. The fit isn’t bad either.
The wool suits have been created with work in mind. Designed in five colours you could wear to work, all year round. Black, Blue, Navy, Dark Grey & Grey.
For some strange reason, they only do wool suits in slim fit. If you happen to fit into a slim fitted suit, enjoy. Everybody else, jog on.
Standard Skinny/Slim/Tailored Fit
Burton design their suits in three different fits. They’re most successful line is their slim fitted suit. I wore Burton’s skinny fit suits for awhile but I found they just didn’t fit me comfortably enough and I ripped too many suits at the crotch. Slim fit was definitely my favourite fit in their suits, I found their slim fit suits the most comfortable and best quality. The tailored suits just felt a bit.. slim fit.
Burton is without a doubt one of the best hight street retailers in the UK. Unfortunately that doesn’t say much for the high street retailers. Burton is really good for price but the honest truth is, there are cheaper options with similar quality. As 75% of Burton’s suits are made from polyester and viscose, literally the cheapest option possible – you can get similar suits everywhere. Matalan is a great cheaper alternative to Burton if you’re on a low budget. Obviously it’s much more reputable to have Burton on the inside of your suit jacket than Matalan.
Overall a good company for anyone just starting to buy suits. I’d definitely avoid Burton if you don’t wear slim fitted suits. Tailored just aren’t there thing.
I can’t go a week on Instagram without posting a picture of a beautiful blue pinstripe suit. I don’t know of a better piece of art. The blue/navy colour is usually a nice bold colour, a colour that exudes confidence. The pin stripe up until recent years was only worn in the financial sectors and was pretty much unheard of outside of work. Usually associated to some cocky broker in wall street with a blue pinstripe suit who beats his chest and makes bird sounds (wolf of wall street) – the suit has come a long way from there.
History Of The PinStripe
Wall street is not where it all begun for the pinstripe suit. If you’re into old films then you’ll probably know the very dapper chap shown above. Clarke Gable was well-known for rocking some very dapper pinstripe suits in the 1940’s. He definitely didn’t start the trend though, it’s even older, the beautiful design actually originates from uniform in the early 1900’s.
Today bankers are proud of the corruption they create around the world and back in 1910 it was no different. Bankers wanted to show who they worked for but didn’t want to ruin their gentlemanly look. Since 99.99% of men wore long overcoats and a hat everywhere they went, tailors came up with a way to show off which firm the bankers worked for by giving each firm its own design in striped trousers. Some had super thin pinstripes while others had thicker chalk stripes on their trousers, spaced out differently. The pinstripe stayed exclusively in the world of finance until a few years ago.
I remember when I was about nine years old, my dad showed me his black pin stripe suit and said to me, you see this suit son, the stripes on it means the suit is expensive. Oh how times have changed now and thankfully dressing well is a lot cheaper than it used to be.
Pin Stripe & Chalk Stripe
Some may argue and say, there is a massive difference between pinstripe and chalk-stripe, I agree and disagree. The vast majority of fashion Bloggers and Instagrammers actually don’t correctly know the difference between the two and they often describe them based on the width of the stripe. This is actually wrong, pinstripe and chalk-stripe can both be the same width. The real difference is very minor, with a pinstripe, the stripe is dotted downwards while a chalk-stripe is dragged downwards looking a lot like a rope.
However no one follows that nowadays, and the difference has been simplified. As implied by the name, on a pinstripe suit, the stripes are as thin as a pin and on a chalk-stripe suit, the stripes are thick and wide like chalk.
Work & Occasions
Once you pick yourself up a really good pinstripe suit, it can become a bit of a challenge choosing when to wear it. Thankfully there are a few guidelines and basic principles that you can apply to your suit to tell you exactly when to wear it.
Suit Colour
The colour of your suit is incredibly important when choosing where to wear it. The darker the suit, the more appropriate it is for work, the lighter the suit the more suitable it is for an occasion or to be worn casually. If you consider the suit to be “blue”, I’d say wear it outside of working hours, when you go out to eat with the Mrs or go to an awards ceremony. You will stand out for all the right reasons and trust me, the compliments will roll in. If you consider the suit “Navy” then rock that bad boy to work with a white pocket square and enjoy looking better than your boss. The worlds your oyster in a quality striped suit.
Stripe Width
The style of the stripes that flow down the fabric is equally as important as the shade of blue. There are two types of stripes; the thick stripes and the thin stripes. It’s very self-explanatory but it’s essential to understand. The thicker the stripe, the more casual the suit becomes and likewise the thinner the stripe the more professional the suit will appear.
Ultimately it’s down to your style how you wear a pinstripe/chalk-stripe suit, there are so many factors that determine whether it’s a casual outfit or a professional working one. Things like, double-breasted blazers, trainers, accessories, tie/no tie, all these things will play the biggest part. By rule of thumb, wear thick striped suits casually or at events and pinstripe suits to work and other formal meetings.
**Two of the pictures belong to @absolutebespoke on Instagram, please follow him and if you know who any of the other pictures belong to leave a comment below and I’ll add a link to their Instagram as well.
It’s important to know that suits that are readily available in retail stores, like the ones I post on here or the ones you find on the high-street, they are made in their thousands and the suit size is based on the “normal” size human. What’s considered normal? I don’t have a clue but I know I haven’t been “normal” or been able to wear a suit straight off the rack since I was nineteen years old. I play football and cycle a lot so below my waist is much larger than “normal” meaning none of the trousers off the rack will fit me. Suit jackets off the rack fit me fine.
Tailor Made
Let’s get down to it, if you cant find a suit that fits you, what do you? If you can afford to have a tailor design a suit for you from nothing, usually costing around £600 for the entire suit – then you need not worry, the suit will fit you perfectly. Most of us, myself included cannot afford to be buying tailor-made suits.
A good friend of mine messaged me this morning this same question. He’s super slim and 6″5 in height, you can imagine his struggles.
Retail & Tailor Combined – The Perfect Suit Size
The Perfect Suit Size
The best thing to do is to combine between buying from the retailers for cheap and then spending another £15-£50 at your local tailors to get them to readjust the suit to fit you. I advise you to always buy the suit in a larger size and then you’re tailor will have an easy job removing the excess fabric.
If you are in doubt, go into the tailors without a suit, get them to measure you and tell them your intentions of buying an off the rack suit and getting it cut. They’ll tell you what jacket and trouser size to go for and you can work from there.
My Preferences
My budget for a suit is usually around the £150 mark. For me anything above that is pushing it and anything below that is a bit too cheap and tacky. My favourite store at the moment for suits is Mark’s & Spencer’s, their suits are usually made really well and they have a MASSIVE range of sizes so it becomes easy for me to find a suit that fits perfectly in the jacket. Then my tailor charges me £25 to get the trousers tapered in and turned up above my ankles.
A pet peeve of mine is seeing things, like a sandwich, stuffed into the outer pockets of a man’s blazer. I feel like just slapping them on the spot. If you do this please stop, leave the pockets alone. Some blazers now come with fake outer pockets, where there’s just a pocket flap. However, most blazers have real outer pockets that are usually tacked together with a bit of thread but can easily be pulled open.
The question then arises what do you use them for and in fact, should you use the pockets at all? Well there isn’t really a right or wrong way – it’s completely a matter of opinion. The way I see it, pockets are functional and are meant to be used. There is however a right and wrong way to use them – putting a sandwich in them is definitely a wrong way.
The breast pocket on the blazer is obviously for pocket squares in order to decorate the outfit. The other outer pockets – the side pockets and ticket pockets are intended to carry small flat items that do not create a bulge in the pockets. Anything ranging from receipts, cinema tickets, shopping list & other notes to your favourite brand of tea bag.
I have seen pictures of some celebrities with their hands in their side pockets, using them for the purpose of keeping their hands warm. Notably you’ll see pictures of JFK with his hands always stuck in his pockets – I actually looked into it and turns out he used to use them as ashtrays.
The stitching used to keep the pockets sewn together are put there to stop potential customers trying on the jacket in the store and sticking their hands in the pockets and ruining the shape. When you buy a new suit you should ideally remove the stitching so you can use the pockets but if you’re the type of guy that will stick bulky things in them – it’s best you leave them closed.
Apologies Gentleman for not updating my blog recently. I’ve been working on the back-end of things and have not forgotten about all you stylish men. I’ve recently joined The Student Room and I’m really enjoying speaking to all these young students who have a million questions. I found one that really shocked me, it was from a young man who wanted to know if he should remove the stitching left by the manufacturing company in his clothing.
If you don’t know why this is done, it’s basically to prevent bits of the clothing from getting caught in any of the machinery or getting folded over and being creased in an awkward way for 6 months while in storage – thus potentially ruining the clothing.
Removing The Stitching
To answer the question; should you remove the tacking from your clothing? Yes.
The most common tacking done to suits would be on the lapel and on the vents. Sometimes you will find that the manufacturer has stitched down the lapel through the lapel pin hole on the left breast. The vents on the back, whether it be single or double vented, would also be stitched together in an “X” shape. It is absolutely essential that you remove both of these, no ifs no buts. Unlike most fashion rules, this one is agreed by everyone that it can not be broken. The moment you get that suit home, remove it.
Removing The Stitching – Optional
There are some common spots on your suit that are most likely to be stitched together as well. The back pocket of your suit trousers, the breast pocket of the blazer and the receipt pockets on the front of your blazer. These are optional and should only be removed if you intend on using those pockets.
I use my trouser and breast pockets every day so this is a must for me. The problem is if you open up the front receipt pockets of your blazer then you may be tempted to fill them. If you cram a coke can in them one night, you could potentially ruin the shape of your blazer permanently so be aware.
This week I wanted to do something more casual but still very classy, while also being very easy to copy and alter to fit your style. Most of us wouldn’t actually have to go out and buy anything to create this look as we all own a suit, a hoody and trainers. The look itself is simple, it is combined of a very slim grey hoody designed for warmer months, a decent light blue suit, a dark blue pocket square, a watch, some shades and a pair of crisp white trainers. Sounds simple right? Absolutely!
The Look – Suits & Trainers
The Hoody
The hoody in this look is actually the most important part of this outfit, even more important than the suit. The reason why the hoody is so important is because it really dictates how people see the outfit. If you use a thick hoody with a logo then the outfit will look cheap and actually quite “gangster boy gone to court.” Keep the hoody thin, use a light colour and the hoody will fit nicely under your suit.
The Suit
The suit is a slim fit suit made from linen, which is perfect for all those hot summer days. I would suggest wearing one of your bigger suits so you can move around comfortably (also why wearing a thin hoody is important.) The suit in this look has beautiful wide lapels, 2 buttons for fastening the jacket and the trousers are cuffed (rolled up.)
The Pocket Square
Pocket squares are fantastic always and in this outfit they are no different. Simply add any colour pocket square you want to this outfit and it will fit, here’s a few I like from Moss Bros.
The Trainers
Without a doubt, the item I love in this look are the trainers. For summer, we all should own crisp white trainers that just reflect the light into everyone’s eyes and make us look fantastic. You have so many options when it comes to white trainers but I would keep it as simple as possible. My favourite is definitely Vans.
Shades & Watch
For the shades and watch, I don’t actually want to recommend anything for you guys. These two things are not important to the outfit and what you choose to wear is completely down to personal taste.
Let me know how you get on with this look and let me know what you think below in the comments.