Where To Put Your Sunglasses When Indoors

where to put your sunglasses when inside
[Photo Credit: www.gentlemansgazette.com]

Spring has finally rolled around, yet all I can think of is summer.

You can’t really blame me though, the past week here in England has been glorious in terms of sunshine, and I think all of us are dreaming of the summer holidays already. Before the beautiful weather fades away, I thought I’d write a post on sunglasses, and where they should go once you head inside again.

For example,you could always hand them to your nephew so he can clean them for you.

What else is he good for anyways? They could also go in your chest pocket or a jacket/blazer pocket like so:

where to put your sunglasses when inside
where to put your sunglasses when inside

Or better still, into the Pandora’s Box that is your girlfriend/wife’s handbag (that’s if you never want to see them again)

womens handbag designer

You could also put your sunglasses in between your shirt placket- the bit of fabric on your shirt that your buttons are sewn onto, or just leave them on your table if you’re at home. They could also go in your workbag or briefcase if you use one, or just on the top of your head.

Now we head to the faux pas in order of decadency, no fashion article would be complete without them:

✘ Putting an earpiece through a belt loop or waistband

✘ Putting an earpiece through a trouser pocket

✘ Putting your sunglasses inside your cargo shorts pocket (burn those ghastly things if you own a pair)

✘ Around your neck on a chain or cord, if librarians can’t get away with it then neither can you

✘ Attempting a Masaai warrior look by putting an earpiece through a gauge earring (seriously?)

✘ Keeping your sunglasses on indoors

✘ Keeping them in a fanny pack, or even having a fanny pack in the first place

✘ And finally, having them on the back or your shirt or head like this:


The Two Step Rule To Sunglasses

The Two Step Rule To Sunglasses cover

With summer well on the way the Ray-Bans are fully out in waves to protect our lovely eyes from the dangerous Sun. Even though realistically none of us really wear sunglasses to protect our eyes, sunglasses still have a great use and I hate going out for the day in summer without my Ray-Bans. Do I recommend you to buy sunglasses? Absolutely! They are a great fashion statement and take good care of our eyes.

So what’s the two step rule then?

Sunglasses – The Two Step Rule

It’s simple; when you walk into any building anywhere, you take two steps into the building and take off your shades. Why? Well before I answer; let me ask you, Why would you wear sunglasses inside if the Sun is outside? Unless you are a vampire, it looks weird. Always take them off and hang them off your neckline on your shirt, hold them in your hand or put them in their case.

Maybe you are wondering why two steps into the building then taking them off, it’s quite simple really. I like my Ray-Bans, I look pretty damn good in them and I still want people to see me wearing them. Two steps is enough for people to see my shades on my face but not enough time that they’ll start seeing me as some wanna-be celebrity avoiding paparazzi.

If you are wondering what sunglasses are best, well I’ll discuss that at a later date but I would definitely always recommend Ray-Bans. Known as the biggest and most popular brand out there, originally designed for the military and now worn by politicians, movie stars, sports people and even casual folk like you and me.

Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer Sunglasses - Matte Blue - 50mm
Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer Sunglasses – Matte Blue – 50mm
Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Sunglasses - Tortoise - 50mm
Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Sunglasses – Tortoise – 50mm

The Two Step Rule To Sunglasses cover 2

The Two Step Rule To Sunglasses cover 3