With summer well on the way the Ray-Bans are fully out in waves to protect our lovely eyes from the dangerous Sun. Even though realistically none of us really wear sunglasses to protect our eyes, sunglasses still have a great use and I hate going out for the day in summer without my Ray-Bans. Do I recommend you to buy sunglasses? Absolutely! They are a great fashion statement and take good care of our eyes.
So what’s the two step rule then?
Sunglasses – The Two Step Rule
It’s simple; when you walk into any building anywhere, you take two steps into the building and take off your shades. Why? Well before I answer; let me ask you, Why would you wear sunglasses inside if the Sun is outside? Unless you are a vampire, it looks weird. Always take them off and hang them off your neckline on your shirt, hold them in your hand or put them in their case.
Maybe you are wondering why two steps into the building then taking them off, it’s quite simple really. I like my Ray-Bans, I look pretty damn good in them and I still want people to see me wearing them. Two steps is enough for people to see my shades on my face but not enough time that they’ll start seeing me as some wanna-be celebrity avoiding paparazzi.
If you are wondering what sunglasses are best, well I’ll discuss that at a later date but I would definitely always recommend Ray-Bans. Known as the biggest and most popular brand out there, originally designed for the military and now worn by politicians, movie stars, sports people and even casual folk like you and me.
Ray-Ban Folding Wayfarer Sunglasses – Matte Blue – 50mm
Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Sunglasses – Tortoise – 50mm
Tinie Tempah is well known to us for his many talents and recently he has become a bit of a fashion icon in London, for good reason too. He is very well dressed and is never afraid to express himself in his outfits and wear things others probably wouldn’t. This weeks Get The Look is one of Tinie Tempah’s more simpler outfits but still lets people know what he’s about. If you’re looking to dress casually smart on the weekend, this outfit and it’s many variations will serve you well.
The Look – Tinie Tempah
Considering we are well into spring now and approaching summer it just makes sense that we start adding more colour to our outfits. The colours of spring are warm, bright and light. What this look does extremely well is take all those spring colours and turn them into a pretty decent outfit without looking like a toddler wearing flowers.
The blazer, the main piece of the outfit, is a warm salmon colour. The spring colour scheme continues from the blazer onto the pastel jade trousers, combined with brown suede tassel loafers. The outfit is completed with a darker tie, white shirt, lapel pins and a watch.
The Suit
You have a few options in the suit department in regards to which colours you want to work with. With the blazer you can go with MOST of the different colours in the spring colour palette shown below (avoid the dark colours.) The only rule you need to follow is that to you should either wear matching trousers or trousers that are lighter than the blazer. I recommend pastel teal trousers like the ones Tinie’s wearing or plain white ones.
In terms of material then I would go with Linen or Cotton. Both these fabrics are fantastic for summer and letting your skin breathe. You don’t want to be walking around in a wool blazer sweating all over the place. Choose how thick you want the clothes to be as well. Even though it’s now Spring, it still can be bloody cold here in the UK.
ASOS Slim Fit Blazer In Summer Tweed – £65.00
ASOS Slim Fit Blazer In Jersey – £55.00
ASOS Slim Fit Blazer In Washed Cotton – £55.00
Burgundy Oxford Skinny Fit Blazer – £70.00
Light Blue Texture Cotton Blazer – £70.00
ASOS Slim Fit Suit Cropped Suit Trousers – £40.00
United Colors of Benetton Mini Puppytooth Trousers in Slim Fit – £35.00
ASOS Slim Fit Cropped Trousers – £25.00
Shirt & Tie
This part of the outfit is basic, you can swap these for anything really. It’s really easy to just stick to white shirt and any dark tie. The dark tie works really well as a balancing act between looking super summery and looking smart. The only important point to make is that you should keep your tie skinny. Thick ties don’t go well with the casual looks and will result in you looking quite odd – keep your tie thin.
Loafers – don’t we just love them? Tinie Tempah certainly does, he’s always seen in these funky cool loafers. The loafers in this look are a dark chocolate brown suede completed with small tassells. Loafers are easy to find online but it’s important you decide whether you want to wear casual loafers or work/smart loafers. Suede is quite versatile and depending on how you wear it and what you wear it with, for example with or without socks, you can really swing your suede shoes from work-smart to smart-casual very quickly.
If accessories aren’t your thing, don’t worry the outfit won’t fall apart without them. However, if like me, you love accessories, then you’re in for a treat with this outfit. Firstly the watch; any watch will do but ideally you want to match your watch to your shoes. Your belt should also follow suit with the watch strap and shoes, all dark brown will go perfectly with this outfit. The lapel pins are can be what ever you want really, I’d probably wear one of my charity badges on my lapel.
That’s it, you and Tinie are now identical twins. As always let me know what your thoughts are on this look from the wonderful Tinie Tempah. Leave a rating up top on how many stars out of five you would give this outfit.
Me and a suit are never far away from each other, I love wearing my suits on the weekend but as men we need different outfits. I only wear three outfits, gym, smart and smart/casual. My gym outfit is really basic – A Superdry hoody, tracksuit bottoms and Nike Roshe trainers. My smart outfits are what I wear to work pretty much everyday, all the suits and shirts I write posts about daily.
Smart/casual is one that I actually don’t wear too often but strangely enough is probably my favourite type of outfit. The smart/casual look is perfect for all those occasions when you know no one else will be wearing a suit or you just want to be a bit more comfortable for the day. There are so many different options when going for a quality smart outfit, you can really add and mix up the outfit every single time you get dressed. The two main variables that are most important in your outfit are not what’s on top, it is what you wear around your legs.
Jeans Or Chinos
Choosing which one to wear is entirely down to personal preference, I personally prefer to wear jeans during colder weather and chinos during the warmer weather. Jeans are reliable, they last a lifetime and as long as you don’t gain or lose too much weight – it’s worth spending more money on quality jeans.
Chinos are fantastic for going out in the heat, you won’t get sweaty in them and your legs will be able to breathe nicely. They look great with a blazer and a shirt, while also fitting well with just a plain white t shirt. You can get chino’s for pretty cheap, however they won’t last you as long as jeans and lose their colour a lot quicker as well.
Whether you want to wear chinos or jeans, it really doesn’t matter, what should matter is the brand you wear. Levi’s are known all around the world for one thing – quality. Everyone loves levi’s, they last a long time, they look great and won’t look washed out. Levi’s aren’t expensive, you can get most for like £50-£80. If you don’t already own a pair of both chinos & jeans that look and feel amazing, then you need some Levi’s.
So not all of us wear suits to work, I know some of you actually don’t dress smart at all for work. So I figured I’d do a post for you. Whether you wear suits to work or you dress smart/casual or just casual then chinos are absolutely fantastic for that look. Chinos go perfectly with a tucked in shirt and no tie, a polo shirt or a normal crew neck t-shirt. Which ever way you want to wear them, go for it.
Moss Bros are normally known for their quality in suit tailoring but they do make a few mean pairs of chinos. There currently is a sale on, two for £30 or one pair for £20.
These Moss London Slim Fit Chinos are pure cotton and feature side slant pockets, a ticket pocket, two back pockets and a stripe lining. They are available in a variety of different colours for you to pick from. My personal favourites are the dark red chinos.
So a million people on Instagram have completely fallen in love with double breasted suit jackets, me included. The problem all of us face when trying to find a double breasted suit is they are just too damn expensive and not enough places make them. Here’s a happy ending for us all..
Double breasted suits are show stoppers. They are there to make you stand out, to make you look different, to add show everyone your personality. Everyone owns a suit but very very very few people own a double breasted suit. Ask your friends who owns a double breasted suit, some of my friends wont even know what one is.
ASOS are fantastic at designing products that the rich and famous would wear, I suppose that’s why it’s ASOS – As Seen On Stars. Over the years I have really come to rely on ASOS for their quality and their price, sometimes it almost seems too good to be true.
What makes a great double breasted suit is the ability to use it both for work and of course for those days when you want to look absolutely dapper. What contributes massively to looking great on the weekend is some stand out features and all you have to do is glance at the blazer and you will notice what is the standout point with this blazer.
The buttons on the blazer are beautiful, the slim fit cut of the blazer is sexy and this is a absolute must buy that deserves to be in your wardrobe.
I don’t believe there is a person on the planet who doesn’t like tweed blazers. If you happen to be the exception then please leave a comment below. For the rest of us, we love wearing tweed and we love looking at others in tweed also. The problem is most tweed blazers or even tweed suits are generally quite expensive. Here’s where my budgeting skills come into play.
If you have any doubts about ASOS and the quality of their clothing, remove them asap by buying this blazer. This blazer is made from a mixture of wool, acrylic and polyester to create the perfect tweed blazer. The inside is lined with polyester to ensure you have comfort while wearing it, I mean it’s not just about looking good is it? This blazer is designed the same way as your normal slim fit blazer with notched lapels, back vents and flat pockets.
What To Wear It With
Tweed blazers are fantastic for the simple reason they are ridiculously versatile. One of my favourite looks of the tweed blazer is to have a crisp white t-shirt underneath with some black jeans and plain black trainers or shoes. It’s so casual yet so smart and absolutely perfect for the weekend day and night.
Another look is to go smart and wear it with some plain trousers, a white shirt and if you want, throw on a skinny tie and some brogues or oxfords.