Shop Around For The Best Deals – Google It!

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With every company in the world now online and more and more people buying their favourite clothing labels from the comfort of their sofa. I’m definitely one of them, I’ve been buying clothes online myself for around eight years. I first started on eBay, buying g-shock watches and superdry products back in 2006. I remember wearing the first Superdry polo-shirts, they were around £60 at the time but I grabbed all mine for around £25.

Shopping online is amazing, especially if you’re not one of those who shop in the high end retailers. Walking around in Louis Vuitton or D&G is always a pleasure, however Next, H&M & Topman can be extremely annoying. I’d much rather be sitting down on my sofa flicking through my favourite stores than walking around stores crammed with people.

I’m flying out to Morocco in a few days and I needed a camera. After some googling to try and find out which one was most suitable for me, I decided on this nifty little camera called Canon IXUS 160 Digital Camera. Initially I was going to buy it off Amazon for £135, which I figured was a decent price for a good camera. Thankfully I did some googling and found the same camera for £67 from John Lewis. Saved £72 by being patient and having a look first.

Depends how bothered you are about saving money but you never know how cheap you’ll be able to pick up that suit or patent shoes. Obviously if you’re buying a Mark’s & Spencer suit from their site then there’s no point googling it. It may take a few minutes to find the same product you’re interested in, but if you can save £5 you may as well. The only time I pay more for an item is if I’ve had a bad experience with a company, even if they’re cheaper I’d rather have my stuff delivered in one piece.

Google it, eBay it & save some money.

lets google it

My Four Shirts – 10% OFF

Do you ever just look at someone and think wow they are basically wearing the same thing as me but they look so much better, why? Or that guy looks great but he’s dressed so simplistically. Sometimes it can just be their complexion or their body shape just looks great with their outfit but 9/10 times it will just be the fact that they are wearing quality clothes.

TM Lewin doesn’t fall short in terms of quality. People notice you when you wear a TM Lewin shirt. Your white shirt is leagues above the other guys white shirt. I went into TM Lewin a few times in the last month, trying to match four shirts for £80 but I could never find three shirts I actually liked, let alone four. The problem with TM Lewin is the retail stores are more expensive than the online stores and they have such a small selection in store. The know that the fit of the shirt is the most important thing.


Try It On

Go into the store and try on the different sizes, find your perfect size, ignore the sales reps and walk out. Jump online and order all the shirts you love. Not only are the shirts online cheaper; they have more colours, more designs and you can mix up the sale items with the non sale items.

My Order & Vouchers

I ordered four shirts and two socks online in the exact colours and fit I wanted when I was in the store. Not only did I find my perfect size/design I also ended up paying less for four shirts and two socks than I would have if I just would have bought four shirts in store. When shopping online you have the opportunity to add in discount codes and coupons that you can’t do in store. I used a voucher for 10% off which brought my order from £92 down to £82.80. I sometimes get emails with them offering me 20 or 30% off so you should definitely sign up to their mailing list.

If you want me to send you any voucher codes I get for TM Lewin leave a comment below, I’ll gladly share.

It get’s better…

My order came with £50 wine voucher with Virgin wines, which I threw in the bin as I don’t drink wine. Better than the wine voucher, they sent me two vouchers with £10 off any order over £75.

Want My TM Lewin Shirts

Want to order the same shirts/socks as me, I definitely recommend them. Enjoy…

Fitted Plain White Twill Cutaway Collar Shirt

London Fitted White Curved Cutaway Collar Shirt

Fitted Blue Poplin Double Cuff Shirt

Fitted Plain Pink Luxury Twill Double Cuff Shirt

Navy Blue Stripe Socks

Navy Pink Stripe Socks